词汇 | give |
释义 | give /gɪv/ (过去式: gave; 过去完成式: given; 现在进行式: giving) v.t. To transfer from one's own possession to that of another; hand over. 给;授。 I gave Tom a book. = I gave a book to Tom. 我给汤姆一本书。 to give one a book to read 拿书给某人阅读。 To bestow, as a present. 赠送。 What can I give you for you birthday? 你生日我要送你什么呢? To donate. 捐赠。 to give a library to the town 捐赠一座图书馆给该市。 To offer or present for acceptance. 举行;提供。 The assignment gave him the chance to prove his talents. 这份工作给他一个证明能力的机会。 to give a dinner 请人吃饭。 To deliver in return for an equivalent; pay. 交换;付给。 I gave three dollars for the book. 我付三元购得此书。 To offer as due. 归于。 give him credit 归功于他。 To yield. 于弃;付出。 to give up a claim 放弃权利。 To concede. 竞赛时失一分。 To communicate, administer, or impart in any way. 传送。 to give a message 传话。 To utter; as a command or cry. 说出(如命令、呼叫)。 She gave them notice that she was quitting on the 15th. 她向他们宣布她15日要辞职的消息。 To produce. 产生。 Maple trees give sugar. 枫树可制糖。 The addition gives nine. 加起来总和为九。 To put forth, as effort, sound, light, etc. 发出(声音、光等);做出。 The door gave a squeak. 门作戛戛声。 A large gun gives a loud noise. 巨炮发大声。 The sun gives light. 太阳发光。 To devote to a cause, pursuit, etc. 奉献。 He gave his life to art. 他献身于艺术。 To grant. 授予;准予。 To inflict, as punishment. 罚;课以。 To be the cause of. 引起。 It gives me a headache. 它使我头痛。 v.i. To present gifts; bestow charity. 赠送;济施。 He gave liberally to charitable institutions. 他对慈善机关慷慨捐输。 To yield to pressure. (受压力而)凹陷;松开。 The door began to give. 此门因受力即将松开。 To surrender. 降服。 to given in 投降。 To be turned, or face, toward. 被转向;面向。 The porch gives upon the lake. 此廊面潮。 phrases give a damn [hoot] 在意;在乎。 give a good account of oneself 作优异的表现。 give a (helping) hand 助以一臂之力。 give and take (a)妥协;彼此协调。(b)互相迁就。 give as good as one gets 【口】还以相当的颜色。 give away (a)捐赠。(b)背叛;出卖。(b)泄密;暴露。 give back (a)交还。(b)后退。 Give him an inch and he will take a mile 【谚】得寸进尺。 give in (a)放弃;投降。(b)呈交。 give it to 处罚;责备。 give off 发散;放出(气味)。 give or take 【口】加减;或多或少。 give out (a)用完;用尽。(b)宣布。(c)分配。(d)放出;发出(热、气)。 give over 停止某事。 give over to 拨出(地方、时间)给。 give pause to 使(某人)停下来思考;使怀疑或担忧。 give sb the up 【俚】给(某人)送秋波。 give up (a)放弃。(b)让出。(c)自首。(d)与(某人)断绝往来。(e)投降。(f)停止做(某事)。 give up on 【口】对…不再寄以希望。 n. A yielding to pressure. 松开;凹陷。 The quality or state of being springy. 弹性;富弹性。 There is no give in a stone floor. 石头地面没有弹性。 (Of a person) quality of yielding. (人的)适应力。 cf. Give implies, in general, the act of making another the owner of something in one's possession. Give 指将原属自己之物变成属于他人: I gave the child a doll. 我给那孩子一个洋娃娃。 Its use has been extended to cover the transfer of communication of things not considered gifts. 此字之用途可扩展到其他事物的传交: to give orders, medicine, reprimands. 发令、给药、惩戒。 To bestow is to give something that is much needed. Bestow 指给与极需要之物: to bestow alms 给与赈济。 To grant is to give in a formal way or with authority. Grant 指正式给与或行使权力而给与: The city granted the franchise. 市府给与许可。 Grant also implies conceding. Grant 亦指特准: The President granted the pardon. 总统特予赦免。 To confer is to give in a formal or gracious manner. Confer 指正式或庄严的给与: A university confers degrees. 大学授予学位。 To offer is to bring forward for acceptance or rejection. Offer 指提议(某事)以供接纳或拒绝: He offered to go. 他自愿去。 to offer apologies 请求恕罪。 derivatives n. giver. synonyms bestow, grant, confer, offer. |
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