To purse or chase, as game or wild animals. 狩猎。 To search through for something. 搜寻。 to hunt the house for papers 于宅中搜寻文件。 To drive or chase esp. by harrying. 驱逐;迫害;虐待。 He was hunted out of the parish. 他被逐出教区。 To pursue with intent to capture. 追捕。 They hunted him down and strung him up. 他们追捕他并且将他捆起来。 I've hunted everywhere, high and low. 我到处都找遍了。 hunt for a needle in a haymow (haystack) 海底捞针。 Pursuit of game or wild animals. 狩猎。 A group of mounted hunters and their hunting dogs. 带着猎狗的狩猎队。 hunt the slipper 找拖鞋(室内游戏)。 |