use up
1. To exhaust or fatigue someone. A noun or pronoun can be used between "use" and "up." All of that cleaning totally used me up—I need a nap.
2. To deplete an entire supply or amount of something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "use" and "up." I can't believe you used up all of my shampoo and just left the empty bottle in the shower!
use someone up
Fig. to use all the effort or talent a person has. His career simply used him up. I used myself up. I'm done. I can't function anymore.
use something up
to consume or use all of something. Use the flour up. I have more in the cupboard. Use up every bit of it. Go ahead.
use up
1. Consume completely, as in The kids used up all their money playing video games. [Late 1700s]
2. Exhaust, tire out, as in I'm totally used up from digging that hole. [Colloquial; mid-1800s]
use up
v. To consume something completely: We used up all our money on repairs for the house. We used all the gas up before we reached the gas station.