dirty mouth
tr. to speak ill of someone or something.Please stop dirty mouthing my friends.You have dirty mouthed cats just about enough.
mod. dirty or smutty; raunchy.That joke was sort of off-color.Tom told an off-color joke that embarrassed everyone.
Pardon my French. and Excuse my French.
sent. “Excuse my use of swear words or taboo words.” (Does not refer to real French.)Pardon my French, but this is a hell of a day.What she needs is a kick in the butt, if you'll excuse my French.
raunchy and raunchie; ronchie
mod. crude; tasteless; bad.He told a very raunchy story at the party.Don't be so ronchie.
mod. vulgar; crude; raucous; untamed.I've had enough of your raw humor.That joke was a little raw.
mod. crude; raunchy.Your jokes are a bit ripe.That was a ripe one!Stop acting so ripe.