lay one's cards on the table
and put one's cards on the tableFig. to be very candid about one's position on some issue. (Alludes to laying playing cards on the table, face up, showing the cards.) All right. Let's lay our cards on the table and speak very candidly about this matter. It's time we put our cards on the table and spoke honestly. lay one's hands on someone, something, or an animal Go to put one's hands on someone, something, or an animal. lay (oneself) down to lie down. Just lay yourself down there and try to sleep. I'll lay myself down here for just a few minutes.
cards on the table, to lay/put one's
To be completely candid, to hide nothing. The term comes from numerous card games in which the players must at some point turn their cards faceup and show their hands. The expression was transferred to a more general meaning in the late sixteenth century.