To cheat by tricks; manipulate in order to deceive. 行诈;做假;欺骗。 The accountant juggled the company's books and embezzled thousands of dollars. 那会计窜改公司的帐目并盗用了数千块钱。 They juggled him out of his money. 他们骗取他的金钱。 To keep in the air by throwing and catching. 抛耍(将数样东西抛上空中,接住后再抛上空中,以使之不地地)。 To perform tricks by sleight of hand. 变戏法。 To practice deceit; cheat. 行骗;使诈。 juggle (sb) out of (sth) 向(某人)骗取(某物)。 juggle with 欺骗(某人);歪曲(事实)。 A trick by sleight of hand. 戏法;把戏。 |