To cause to pass from point to point. 使流通;使传播;使循环。 The heart circulates blood round the body. 心脏将血液流布全身。 To move around and return to the starting point. 环行;循环。 Blood circulates through the arteries and veins of the body. 血液经人体的动脉静脉循环全身。 To pass from place to place. 传播。 The story circulated quickly. 那故事传播得很快。 To be distributed and sent, as a newspaper to its readers. (报纸的)配送。 The paper was circulated among the students. 报纸在学生间流通。 To become diffused or distributed, as air through a building. (空气在建筑物内等)流通。 circulating decimal 循环小数(如1.232323)。 circulating library 巡回图书馆。 |