mod. stupid; giddy.You are the most airheaded twit I have ever met!That was an airheaded idea if I ever heard one.
mod. stupid.I've never heard such a birdbrain idea in my life.Look, you birdbrained idiot, you are dead wrong!
mod. stupid.I don't know why he's so dull. He's seems brain-dead half the time.I think that half my students are brain-dead.
mod. stupid; oafish.What a clucky dame!The plan you submitted to this office was rejected by the policy committee. They noted that it was the cluckiest idea they had ever seen.
mod. unaware.She is so dense. Totally clueless.I have never seen anyone so totally clueless. What a dunce.
n. total stupidity.I just shake my head in wonder at the cluelessness of my fellow humans.This place is just infested with juvenile cluelessness!
mod. stupid or corny.What a cornball idea!Ken is such a cornball hick!
mod. stupid; ridiculous.I've heard enough of your crackbrained schemes.One more crackbrained idea and you're fired.
dead from the neck up
mod. stupid. (With a “dead” head.)Beavis seems dead from the neck up.She acts like she is dead from the neck up.
mod. stupid.What a dopey guy!That was a dopey thing to do.
mod. stupid; dumb.What a dumbski jerk!It is not a dumbski idea!
n. a stupid person; someone who has fat where brains ought to be.You can be such a fathead!Paul, you are being a perfect fathead.
mod. stupid.Now, that is really a fatheaded idea.It's not fatheaded!Let's not come up with a fatheaded plan. This one has to make sense.
mod. stupid.That is really a flatheaded idea, you know?Martin seems flatheaded, but he's quite brilliant.
mod. foolish; stupid.That was really a klutzy thing to do.You are so klutzy!Whose klutzy idea was this?
lamebrain and lamebrained
mod. foolish.No more of your lamebrain ideas!My last scheme looked lamebrained at first, but it worked, didn't it?
mod. foolish.Now here's something from the lardhead department.No more of those lardhead ideas!
mod. stupid; simple-minded.That was a McFly thing to do.Wayne is so McFly!
mod. stupid; simpleminded.Of all the meatheaded ideas. This one takes the cake!How meatheaded!When someone conducts a meatheaded operation like this, we tend to lose faith in the whole system.
nothing upstairs
phr. no brains; stupid.Tom is sort of stupid acting. You know—nothing upstairs.I know what's wrong with you. Nothing upstairs.
not know from nothing
in. to be stupid, innocent, and naive. (Usually with don't, as in the examples. Always in the negative.)Tom don't know from nothing. He is really dense.Don't pay any attention to her. She don't know from nothing.
mod. silly; giddy; stupid.What a nutty idea!That's nutty!Mary is a real nutty girl, but she is my best friend.
one brick shy of a load
mod. stupid; dense.Joyce has done some stupid things. Sometimes I think she is one brick shy of a load.Ted is one brick shy of a load. He can't seem to do what he is told without messing up.
out to lunch
mod. absentminded; giddy; stupid acting.Old Ted is so out to lunch these days. Seems to be losing his mind.Don't pay any attention to my uncle. He's out to lunch.
punch-drunk and punchy
mod. unstable; stupid acting; bewildered. (From a term describing a boxer suffering from brain damage.)I feel sort of punchdrunk after a roller-coaster ride.Who is that punchy jerk?I feel punchy when I drink too much coffee.
mod. stupid.The guy's soft in the head. He just can't think straight.She seems a little soft, but she's really bright.
soft in the head
mod. stupid; witless.George is just soft in the head. He'll never get away with his little plan.You're soft in the head if you think I'll go along with that.
stand there with one's bare face hanging out
phr. to stand someplace looking helpless and stupid.Say something. Don't just stand there with your bare face hanging out.She just stood there with her bare face hanging out while they took away everything she owned.
There's nobody home.
sent. “There are no brains in someone's head.”There's lots of goodwill in that head, but there's nobody home.You twit! There's nobody home—that's for sure.
mod. stupid; thickheaded.She's sort of thick, but she means well.Why are you so thick about money?
mod. stupid; with more bone than brain in the head.He's so thickheaded he can play football without a helmet.What thickheaded dolt put scallops in the scalloped potatoes?
three bricks shy of a load
mod. stupid; dense; shortchanged on intelligence.I would never say she was dense. Just three bricks shy of a load.Why do you act like you're three bricks shy of a load?
totally clueless
mod. ignorant (of something).Everybody was totally clueless as to what to do.Sorry, I'm totally clueless as to what to do.
mod. feeble; in the manner of a nerd.Tom is totally wet. What a jerk.Wayne is wet and so's his buddy.
mod. stupid.Ask that yo-yo jerk to move along.That is the world's yoyoest joke!