词汇 | nest |
释义 | nest /nєst/ n. The bed or dwelling made or chosen by a bird for the hatching of its eggs and the rearing of its young. (鸟)巢。 A hatching place for insects, turtles, etc. (昆虫、龟等的)巢;窠。 a hornets' nest 大黄蜂。 A cozy retreat or residence. 安乐窝;居处。 The haunt of anything bad, or those who gather there. (坏蛋的)巢穴;窟。 a nest of thieves 贼窟。 A number of boxes, bowls, etc. one fitting inside another. (相互套得起来的)一套箱子;一套碗。 Hotbed. 温床。 phrases a hornet's nest 许多麻烦。 a mare's nest 幻想的东西;不存在的东西;以为重要而实无价值的发现。 a (one's; sb's) nest egg 【口】(存钱作为)不时之需。 bring a hornets' nest about one's ears 树敌;招惹麻烦。 feather one's nest 【口】【贬】中饱私囊。 foul one's (own) nest (非正式用法)破坏家誉;外扬家丑。 stir up (arouse) a nest of hornets 招惹麻烦。 take a nest 自巢中偷走蛋(雏);摸鸟巢。 (过去式: nested; 过去完成式: nested; 现在进行式: nesting) v.i. To build and occupy a nest. 筑巢;巢居。 To hunt birds' nests. 寻猎鸟巢。 v.t. To place in a nest. 置于巢中。 To build a nest for. 筑巢。 To pack (e.g. tables) one inside the other. 使套入。 idoms nest egg (a)留巢蛋(防产蛋鸡弃巢,及诱使其多产蛋于同一处所而留于巢中的蛋)。(b)资财积聚的起点;储备金(物)。 derivatives n. nester. |
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