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(redirected from closes)
close/shut the door on To refuse to allow for the possibility of: The secretary of state closed the door on future negotiations. See:- (as) close as two coats of paint
- a close call
- a close chewer and a tight spitter
- a close shave
- a close shave/call
- a close thing
- a close/near thing
- a close-run thing
- a near thing
- as one door closes, another (one) opens
- as one door closes, another one opens
- as one door closes, another opens
- at close quarters
- at close range
- at hand
- be close to (one's) heart
- be close to home
- be close to the bone
- be close to the mark
- be close to/near the mark
- be close/dear/near to somebody's heart
- be cutting it fine
- be near to (one's) heart
- bring (something) to a close
- bring to a close
- close
- close (in) around (someone or something)
- close (one) out of (something)
- close (one's) ears to (someone or something)
- close (one's) eyes and think of England
- close (one's) eyes to (something)
- close (one's) mind (to) (something)
- close a deal
- close a sale
- close a/the deal
- close a/the sale
- close around
- close as a clam
- close as the bark to the tree
- close as two coats of paint
- close at hand
- close but no cigar
- close but no cigar, (it was)
- close by
- close call
- close call/shave, a
- close chewer and a tight spitter
- close combat sock
- close down
- close down and shut down
- close enough for government work
- close enough to use the same toothpick
- close eyes to
- close in
- close in for the kill
- close in on (one)
- close its doors
- close of play
- close off
- close on
- close one's eyes to
- Close only counts in horseshoes
- close only counts in horseshoes (and hand grenades)
- close out
- close out of
- close quarters, at/in
- close ranks
- close shave
- close the barn door after the horse has bolted
- close the book on
- close the book on something
- close the book(s) on (someone or something)
- close the books
- close the books on
- close the door on
- close the door on (something)
- close the sale
- close the stable door after the horse has bolted
- close to
- close to (one's) heart
- close to (someone or something)
- close to hand
- close to home
- close to the bone
- close to the mark
- close to the wind
- close to your heart
- close to/near the bone
- close up
- close up shop
- close with
- close with (someone or something)
- close your eyes to
- close your mind
- close your mind to
- Close, but no cigar
- closed door
- come close
- come close to blows
- come to a close
- cut it close
- draw to a close
- have a close call
- have a close shave
- have an/(one's) ear close to the ground
- heels of, at/on the
- hit one where one lives
- hold (one's) cards close to (one's) chest
- keep (a) close watch on (someone or something)
- keep (close) watch
- keep (close) watch for (someone or something)
- keep (close) watch over (someone or something)
- keep (one's) cards close to (one's) chest
- keep (one's) cards close to (one's) vest
- keep (something) close to (one's) chest
- keep a (close) watch
- keep a close eye on (someone or something)
- keep a close eye/watch on somebody/something
- keep a close watch on
- keep a tight rein on
- keep an/(one's) ear close to the ground
- keep close tabs on (someone or something)
- keep watch
- keep your cards close to your chest
- keep your friends close and your enemies closer
- keep/hold/play your cards close to your chest
- near to (one's) heart
- near to one's heart
- play (one's) cards close to (one's) chest
- play (one's) cards close to (one's) vest
- play (something) close to (one's) chest
- play cards close to chest
- play it close to one's chest
- play one's cards close to one's chest, to
- play your cards close to your chest
- run (someone or something) close
- run somebody/something close
- run someone close
- sail close to (near) the wind, to
- sail close to the wind
- shut (one's) ears to (someone or something)
- shut (one's) eyes to (something)
- shut down
- shut the door on
- shut the door on (something)
- shut up shop
- shut/close the door on something
- shut/close your ears to somebody/something
- shut/close your eyes to something
- shut/lock/close the stable door after the horse has bolted
- too (something) for comfort
- too close for comfort
- too close to call
- too close/high, etc. for comfort
- too for comfort
- up close and personal
- when one door closes, another opens
- within hailing distance