To please, or seek to please, by complimentary speech, usually insincere. 谄媚;阿谀;奉承。 You are merely flattering me. 你只是在谄媚我。 A man whom it is proper to praise cannot be flattered, and a man who can be flattered ought not to be praised. 当受赞美之人不因谀而喜,因谀而喜之人不当受赞美。 To show as more attractive than is actually the case. 显示(较真人或实物)更漂亮。 His portrait flatters him. 他的肖像较本人漂亮。 To encourage with false hopes or expectations. 以不实的希望鼓励。 n. flatterer. adv. flatteringly. Comparative form of flat. flat 之比较级。 |