词汇 | flag |
释义 | flag Theme: ARREST tr. to arrest someone.The cop flagged Tracy for soliciting.They flagged Bob for speeding even though he was a judge. Theme: FAILURE 1. tr. to fail a course. Pat flagged English again.I'm afraid I flagged algebra. 2. n. the grade of F. I'll get a flag on algebra for the semester.I got three flags and an A. flag 1. noun 1 a criminal gang's lookout US, 1949. 2 while injecting a drug into a vein, the flow of blood up into the syringe, indicating that the vein has been pierced US, 1989. 3 a variable which changes value when a certain condition is reached US, 1991. 4 in gambling, a wager of 23 bets consisting of four selections UK, 2001. 5 the grade 'F' US, 1968. 6 the ground floor of a tiered prison cellblock US, 1992. 7 a one-pound note AUSTRALIA, 1989.► have the flags outto experience the bleed period of the menstrual cycle AUSTRALIA, 1968.► have your flag in portto experience the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 1966.► the flag is up; the red flag is upexperiencing the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 1980 2. verb 1 to label or categorise someone US, 1992. 2 in the military, to make an entry on a soldier's record which will prevent further promotion US, 1970. 3 to give a student in college a notification of academic deficiency US, 1968. 4 to display or wear prominently (a handkerchief or other symbol of sexual taste) US, 1896. 5 to wear an article of clothing signifying gang membership US, 1995. 6 to arrest US, 1927. 7 to fail (a test or course) US, 1965. 8 to skip, as in missing a class US, 1997 flag down flag down sth • flag sth down to make a vehicle stop by waving at its driver: I went outside and flagged down a taxi. The police were flagging down motorists and questioning them.■ SIMILAR TO: wave down flag up flag up sth BrE to attract people's attention to a particular idea, subject etc, or inform them about it: The conference was an opportunity to flag up Scottish concerns across the European Parliamentary scene. flag1. verb, slang To arrest someone. The police will flag all of us if they catch us drinking—we are underage, you know. 2. verb, slang To fail something. You better study hard, or you'll flag this exam. 3. noun, slang The grade of F on something. You better study hard or you'll get a flag on this exam. 4. noun, slang A bandana worn to show one's gang affiliation. What color flag is that kid wearing? flag1. tv. to fail a course. Pat flagged English again. 2. n. the grade of F. I’ll get a flag on algebra for the semester. 3. tv. to arrest someone. (see also flagged.) They flagged Bob for speeding even though he was a judge. 4. n. a headcloth or bandana, especially one that shows gang identity. (Streets.) The kid wore a “flag” that alerted the officers to the fact that he was a gang member. flagged mod. arrested. Sally was flagged, and she called her fixer to come get her out.
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