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(redirected from hardest)
hard1. mod. fermented, as with cider. (see also hard liquor.) This juice got hard. What shall I do with it? 2. mod. having to do with an addictive drug. (Compare this with soft.) Hard drugs are easier to get than ever before. 3. mod. tough. (Akin to hardhearted; hard as nails.) Only the hard guys get through basic training. See:- (as) hard as a rock
- (as) hard as nails
- (as) hard as stone
- (as) hard as the nether millstone
- A good man is hard to find.
- a hard act to follow
- a hard bargain
- a hard case
- a hard egg to crack
- a hard head
- a hard nut (to crack)
- a hard pill to swallow
- a hard row to hoe
- a hard time
- a hard/tough act to follow
- a hard/tough nut
- a hard-luck story
- a little (hard) work never hurt anybody
- a little (hard) work never hurt anyone
- a little (hard) work never killed anybody
- a little (hard) work never killed anyone
- a tough act to follow
- a tough nut
- a tough nut to crack
- at someone's heels
- bad habits die hard
- be (as) hard as nails
- be a hard act to follow
- be hard at it
- be hard done-by
- be hard hit (by something)
- be hard on
- be hard on (one)
- be hard on somebody
- be hard pushed
- be hard put
- be hard put to
- be hard put to (do something)
- be hard up
- be hard up for something
- be hard-pressed
- be/feel hard done by
- between a rock and a hard place
- bigger they are, the harder they fall
- bigger they come, the harder they fall, the
- cold cash
- cold, hard cash
- come down hard
- come down hard on (someone or something)
- come down hard on someone
- come down on
- didn't care too hard
- die hard
- do (something) the hard way
- do something the hard way
- do the hard way
- do the hard yards
- do/learn something the hard way
- drive a hard bargain
- drive a hard bargain, to
- fall on hard times
- feel hard done-by
- find (something) out the hard way
- first hundred years are the hardest
- first step is always the hardest
- give (one) a bad time
- give (one) a hard time
- give (one) a rough time
- give a hard time
- give somebody a rough, hard, bad, etc. time
- go hard or go home
- go hard with
- go hard with (someone)
- Good men are scarce
- hard
- hard act to follow
- hard and fast
- hard as a rock
- hard as nails
- hard as the nether millstone
- hard at
- hard at (something)
- hard at it
- hard bargain
- hard by
- hard case
- hard cases make bad laws
- hard cash
- hard cheddar
- hard cheese
- hard coin
- hard core
- hard done by
- hard done-by
- hard drug
- hard facts
- hard feelings
- hard going
- hard hat
- hard head
- hard hit, be
- hard knocks
- hard line
- hard lines
- hard lines!
- hard liquor
- hard luck
- hard luck/lines
- hard nut to crack
- hard of hearing
- hard off
- hard on
- hard on (one's)/the heels
- hard on the eyes
- hard on the heels of (someone or something)
- hard on the heels of something
- hard on your heels
- hard pass
- hard power
- hard pressed
- hard put
- hard put to (do something)
- hard put to do something
- hard put, be
- hard reboot
- hard sell
- hard sledding
- hard time
- hard to believe
- hard to swallow
- hard to take
- hard up
- hard way, the
- hard words break no bones
- hard yards
- hard/hot on somebody's heels
- hard/tough act to follow
- hard/tough sledding
- hard-as-nails
- hard-boiled
- hard-core
- harder than the back of God's head
- hardheaded
- hardliner
- hard-nosed
- hard-on
- hard-pressed
- have a hard head
- have a hard-on
- have a hard-on for (someone or something)
- have a hard-on for someone
- have a job
- hit (someone or something) hard
- hit hard
- hit somebody/something hard
- hold hard
- hot on (one's) heels
- learn (something) the hard way
- learn the hard way
- make hard work of (something)
- make hard work of something
- no hard and fast rules
- no hard feelings
- not any hard feelings
- Old habits die hard
- old habits, traditions, etc. die hard
- old traditions die hard
- on the heels of
- over easy
- over easy/medium/hard
- over hard
- over medium
- play hard to get
- put in a hard day at work
- put in a hard day's work
- put the hard word on
- put the hard word on (one)
- put the hard word on someone
- put the make on
- put the make on someone
- ridden hard and put away wet
- ridden hard and put up wet
- ride hard and put (something) away wet
- ride hard and put (something) up wet
- rode hard and put away wet
- rode hard and put up wet
- school of hard knocks
- take (something) hard
- take a hard line
- take a long, hard look at (something)
- take something hard
- teach an old dog new tricks, one can't/it's hard to
- the bigger they are, the harder they fall
- the bigger they come, the harder they fall
- the bigger they come/are, the harder they fall
- the first hundred years are the hardest
- the first step is always the hardest
- the hard sell
- the hard stuff
- the hard way
- the school of hard knocks
- think long and hard
- too much like hard work
- tough act to follow
- tough nut to crack, a
- tough row to hoe
- tough/hard/long row to hoe, a
- work smarter, not harder