To interfere with what dose not concern one. 多事;干涉((in; with))。 I will not meddle in this matter. 我不想干预此事。 Don't meddle with the clock. 别弄乱那座钟。 neither meddle nor make 【古】【方】不干涉。 不要混淆 meddle(干预),mettle(勇气),medal (奖章),metal (金属): Dad, don't meddle in my affairs. 爹,不要干预我的事。 It takes a lot of mettle to fight tigers. 和老虎打斗需要有很大的勇气。 The medal is an award for bravery. 这个奖牌是勇敢奖。 Tin is a kind of metal. 钖是一种金属。 |