expel (someone or something) from (something)
1. To send or force someone from a place or area. The librarian promptly expelled those chatty girls from the building. If you keep getting into fights with your classmates, you might just get expelled from school.
2. To spew something out of something. The factory expelled smoke from its smokestacks.
expel someone from something
to force someone to leave something or some place; to eject someone from something or some place. The two men expelled the fighters from the tavern. Ken was expelled from school for disciplinary reasons
expel something from something
to force or eject something out of something. The machine expelled cup after cup from its opening. The volcano expelled huge globs of molten lava.
squeeze something out of something
and squeeze something outto press something until something is expelled from something. Claire squeezed some toothpaste out of the tube. She squeezed out some toothpaste.