all in
tired; exhausted.I just walked all the way from town. I'm all in."What a day!" said Sally. "I'm all in."
(all) tuckered out
tired out; worn out. (Folksy.)Poor John worked so hard that he's all tuckered out.Look at that little baby sleeping. She's really tuckered out.
been through the mill
been badly treated; exhausted. (Informal.)This has been a rough day. I've really been through the mill.This old car is banged up, and it hardly runs. It's been through the mill.
burn (oneself) out
to do something so long and so intensely that one gets sick and tired of doing it.I burned myself out as an opera singer. I just cannot do it anymore.Tom burned himself out playing golf. He can't stand it anymore.Tom burned out too young.
dead to the world
tired; exhausted; sleeping soundly.I've had such a hard day. I'm really dead to the world.Look at her sleep. She's dead to the world.
done in
tired; exhausted; terminated; killed.I am really done in after all that exercise.The project was done in by a vote of the board.The witness was afraid he would be done in by the mobsters.
do someone in
to make someone tired.That tennis game really did me in.Yes, hard activity will do you in.
drop in one's tracks
to stop or collapse from exhaustion; to die suddenly.If I keep working this way, I'll drop in my tracks.Uncle Bob was working in the garden and dropped in his tracks. We are all sorry that he's dead.
fall by the wayside and drop by the wayside
to give up and quit before the end (of something). (As if one became exhausted and couldn't finish a footrace.)John fell by the wayside and didn't finish college.Many people start out to train for a career in medicine, but some of them drop by the wayside.All of her projects fall by the wayside when she tires of them.
feel dragged out
to feel exhausted. (Informal.)What a day! I really feel dragged out.If he runs too much, he ends up feeling dragged out.
give out
to wear out; to become exhausted and stop.The old lady's heart finally gave out.Our television set gave out right in the middle of my favorite program.Bill gave out in the middle of the race.
more dead than alive
exhausted; in very bad condition; near death. (Almost always an exaggeration.)We arrived at the top of the mountain more dead than alive.The marathon runners stumbled one by one over the finish line, more dead than alive.
out of gas
tired; exhausted; worn out. (Informal.)What a day! I've been working since morning, and I’m really out of gas.This electric clock is out of gas. I'll have to get a new one.
played out
worn out; spent; exhausted.This charcoal is just about played out.The batteries in this flashlight are almost played out.
pooped out
[for a person or animal to be] exhausted. (Slang.)The horse was pooped out and could run no more.I can't go on. I’m pooped out.
poop out
to quit; to wear out and stop. (Slang.)I’m so tired I could poop out right here.My car sounded as if it were going to poop out.
run through something
to waste something; to use up something rapidly.Have you run through all those eggs already?I ran through my allowance in one day.
take the starch out of someone
to make someone tired and weak.This hot weather really takes the starch out of me.What a long day! It sure took the starch out of me.
exhausted; lacking energy. (Informal.)Pam was completely washed-out after the birth of the baby.I feel washed-out. I need a vacation.
wear someone out
to exhaust someone; to make someone tired.The coach made the team practice until he wore them out.If he wears out everybody on the team, nobody will be left to play in the game.
zonk out
to pass out; to fall asleep. (Slang.)I was so tired after playing football that I almost zonked out on the floor.I had a cup of coffee before the test to keep from zonking out in the middle of it.
mod. exhausted; worn-out.I'm just beat!The whole family was beat after the game.
blue in the face
mod. pale from exhaustion or exertion.I laughed until I was blue in the face.She worked hard enough to be blue in the face.
burned out and burnt out
mod. tired; bored.I'm burned out after all that partying.I don't want to work with burnt-out people. I need energy.
mod. exhausted.I am just bushed.Another hard day! I am more bushed than ever.
mod. exhausted.I'm just cashed—really pooped.After the game, the team was cashed and couldn't even celebrate.
mod. exhausted; pooped.At the end of the race, the chick was totally clanked.I'm really clanked, man. Gotta take a rest.
conk out
in. [for someone] to collapse.I was so tired I just went home and conked out.I was afraid I would conk out while I was driving.
mod. exhausted.What a day. I am totally creased.Here is one creased football player. Let him hit the rack.
mod. very tired.I am just dead from all that jogging.I went home from the office, dead as usual.
mod. sleepy.I feel sort of dopey.The soft music made him dopey.
dragged out
mod. exhausted; worn-out.I feel so dragged out. I think I need some iron.After the game, the whole team was dragged out.
tr. to wear someone out.Arguing like that drains me something awful.Your constant bickering is meant to drain me till I submit. Is that it?
fagged out
mod. exhausted.I'm really fagged out after all that running.John, you sure look fagged out.
flack (out)
in. to collapse in exhaustion; to go to sleep.I just have to go home now and flack out.Betsy flacked out at nine every night.
flaked out
mod. unconscious; exhausted; tired out.Tom? He's upstairs flaked out from work.There are too many flaked-out people working at dangerous machines.
flake (out)
in. to pass out from exhaustion; to fall asleep.I just flaked out. I had had it.After jogging, I usually flake for a while.
flat on one's ass
mod. completely exhausted. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)I'm just flat on my ass. I need some rest.After the day of the marathon, Pete was flat on his ass for a week.
freaked (out)
mod. tired out; exhausted.I'm too freaked out to go on without some rest.The chick is really freaked. Let her rest.
mod. tired; in a stupor.He was too groggy to care what happened to him.Who's that groggy guy?I'm still groggy by ten in the morning.
mod. worn-out; ready to quit.What a day! I'm hacked.We were all hacked at the end of the climb.
knocked out
mod. exhausted.We were all knocked out at the end of the day.I'm knocked out after just a little bit of work.
maxed out
mod. exhausted; tired.I am just maxed out. I haven't been getting enough sleep.I had to stop work because I was too maxed.
peter out
in. to give out; to wear out.I'm about to peter out. I need a rest.What'll we do when the money peters out?
pooped (out)
mod. exhausted; wornout. (Said of a person or an animal.)I'm really pooped out.The horse looked sort of pooped in the final stretch.
poop out
in. to quit; to wear out and stop.He pooped out after about an hour.I think I'm going to poop out pretty soon.
mod. exhausted; bewildered.I have had a long day, and I'm really puggled.Who is that puggled old man?
shagged out
mod. exhausted.What a day! I'm shagged out!You guys look sort of shagged out.
mod. exhausted; worn-out.I really feel shot today.Here's your pen back. It's shot anyway.This thing is shot. Let's get a new one.
stoked out
mod. exhausted.I ran all the way and got stoked out.Alex is totally stoked out.
strung-out shape
n. a tired and exhausted condition.They were sort of in strung-out shape, tired and ready for the sack.I've never been in such strungout shape, but I've never run a marathon before.
tapped and tapped out
mod. exhausted.I need a nap. I'm tapped out.I've had it. I'm tapped.
through the mill
mod. abused; wellworn.That was some convention. I've really been through the mill.I feel like I've gone through the mill. I'm pooped.
veggy and veggie
n. someone who is tired or exhausted.I want to be a veggy this weekend. I'll just stay at home and relax.I am just a veggie after all the activity of the last week.
washed out
mod. exhausted; tired.I feel too washed out to go to work today.Poor Ted really looks washed out.
wash out
in. to slow down or collapse from exhaustion.The whole play began to wash out during the second act. It was a lost cause by the third.Finally, after a long day, I just washed out. They had to call the paramedics.
mod. exhausted.I worked two shifts and I'm totally wasted.Mary was wasted and went to bed.
wiped (out)
mod. (of a person or thing) exhausted.I'm so wiped out that I just want to go home and go to bed.Wow, am I wiped out!
wipe someone out
tr. to exhaust or tire someone.The game wiped me out.Jogging always wipes me out.
mod. sleepy; disoriented.Aren't you woozy at this time of day?Who is that woozy gal by the window?I'm still sort of woozy. Give me a minute or two to wake up.
mod. tired; exhausted.I'm too zapped to go on.I'm way zapped. Good night.
n. a very tired person.I feel like such a zombie. Maybe I'm not eating right.I'm just a zombie at this hour of the morning.
zoned (out)
mod. exhausted.After a day like this, I'm really zoned.Gotta get to bed. I'm just zoned out.
tr. to tire someone out.The pills zonked me, but they made my cold better.Jogging always zonks me.
zonked (out)
mod. exhausted; asleep.She was totally zonked out by the time I got home.I'm zonked. Good night.
zonk out
in. to collapse from exhaustion; to go into a stupor from drugs or exhaustion.I'm gonna go home and zonk out.I went home after the trip and just zonked out.