词汇 | bay |
释义 | bay /be/ bay 1 n. A curve of recess in the shore of a sea or lake, an arm of the sea. 【地】湾;海湾。 A remote hollow among hills. 山脉中深凹处。 idoms bay salt 日晒盐 bay 2 n. A principal division in the arrangement of a structure. 建筑中以柱子分隔的空间或一翼(厢)。 A place for fodder. 干草堆置处(如谷仓)。 Alcove or recess. 凹室;凹处。 Any of several compartments in the fuselage of an airplane. 飞机中的隔间。 Sideline and platform in a railway. 侧线及月台。 idoms Bay window 【建】凸窗 bay 3 n. The laurel tree. 月桂树。 An honorary garland or crown, formerly cormerly composed of woven laurel leaves, given the conquerors and successful poets. 桂冠(古时以月桂叶编成,用以褒奖征服者及成名诗人)。 idoms bay rum 贝兰(月桂制成的头发用香水)。 bay wreath 桂冠。 bay 4 n. The deep-toned, prolonged cry of a dog. (音沉而长的)狗吠声。 The state or position of a person or animal completed by close pursuit to turn and face an enemy or a danger when no escape is possible. 困境;穷途末路。 State of being held in check. 困住;受制。 phrases be (stand) at bay 处于绝望之境;被迫作困兽之斗。 bring (drive) to bay 穷追不舍;使陷入绝境。 hold (keep) at bay 阻止(敌人等)使不得前进。 turn (come) to a bay 进退维谷而被迫反抗;狗急跳墙。 (过去式: bayed; 过去完成式: bayed; 现在进行式: baying) v.i. To bark with a deep sound, as hounds in the chase. 低吠。 The hound bayed mournfully. 猎犬悲恸地哀叫着。 v.t. To pursue with barking. 边吠边追。 bay 5 adj. Red or reddish brown in color; applied to horses. (马)红或栗色的。 n. A horse of a reddish brown. 栗色马。 Reddish brown. 栗色。 |
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