To fail of development; remain rudimentary. 发育不全;夭折。 To fail or stop at an early stage. 失败或中止。 To have a miscarriage. 【医】流产。 (of a rocket or missile) to fail to complete a scheduled flight. 取消(火箭或飞弹的)发射计划。 To end at a premature stage, as a pregnancy, disease, rocket or missile flight, plan, uprising. 使流产;堕胎;中止;取消(火箭等之发射);(计划等)无结果。 The astronauts aborted the space flight when their engine caught fire. 太空人因引擎着火而取消太空飞行。 Abortive flight of an aircraft. 被取消的飞行任务。 Rocket or missile that has aborted. 取消发射的火箭或飞弹。 |