To wander from the path or beyond limits. 偏离。 Sometimes the conversations strayed into politics. 有时谈话涉及政治问题。 To roam; rove freely. 漂泊;流浪。 Our dog has strayed off somewhere. 我们的狗不知走失到那儿去了。 To wander from the path of right or duty; err. 走入歧途;失足;差失。 Wandering beyond limits; lost. 漫游出界的;迷失的。 Incidental; occasional. 偶然的;偶有的。 A domestic animal or a person that has wandered beyond limits or is lost. 走失之家畜或人。 An electrical atmospheric disturbance interfering with the reception of radio signals by producing irregular noises. 【无线】静电干扰(=static);天电;杂电。 |