Something scraped off; a small piece, cut or broken off; a fragment. 残余;碎屑;零屑。 Discarded iron or other metal in the shape of machinery, broken or whole; trimmings, fragments, etc., junk metal. 废铁;破铜烂铁。 Bits of leftover food. 残羹剩饭。 A fragment of something written or printed. 残篇断片;未完遗稿。 In pieces; fragmentary. 碎片的;零屑的。 (Paper) not wanted, to be discarded. (纸)不要的;废弃的。 To break up; destroy. 弄碎;拆毁。 to scrap a battleship 拆毁战舰。 To discard, as broken machinery, trimmings, etc. 废弃(如机器等)。 We decided to scrap the old car. 我们决定把旧车扔了。 A fight, either with blows or with words. 【俚】瓯打;口角。 These two will scrap at the least provocation. 这二个人稍不如意就会吵起来。 |