Knowledge, as of general truths or particular facts, obtained and shown to be correct by accurate observation and thinking. 科学。 Science now shares the curriculum with literature, history, and mathematics. 科学现与文学,史学,及数学同在课程上占一位置。 Knowledge arranged or classified with reference to general truths or laws. 分类之知识;学科。 Systematized knowledge of some one subject. 有系统之知识。 Skill or proficiency. 技术或特长。 Particular branch of knowledge. 专门的知识。 martyr to science 为科学牺牲性命。 natural science 自然科学(如动、植物学)。 physical science 自然科学(如物理,化学)。 social science 社会科学(如心理,政治学)。 |