To reach; be equal. 达;等于;相当于。 His answer amounted to a threat. 他的答话近于恫吓。 His flight amounts to a confession of guilt. 他之逃亡不啻自认犯罪。 To add up or be equal, as to a certain sum. 总计等于(某数);总共达。 The express amounted to $80. 费用共计80元。 the amount of this year's revenue 本年税入之总数。 a large amount of money 大笔的钱。 Full effect or value. 效力;要旨。 amount to little (not amount to much) 没有什么了不起;有限得很;无多大道理。 any amount of (a)不可计数的;无限的。(b)无论多少量的(钱、工作等)。 |