n. a failure; something that fails to perform as intended.
The whole idea turned out to be a dud.The play was a dud from start to finish.
worthless, useless, unsatisfactory UK, 1903
a worthless or unsuccessful person or thing, a failure. Originally, 'an unexploded bomb or shell' UK, 1915
to fool or deceive; to swindle AUSTRALIA, 1970
1. Something that does not work as intended, is ineffectual, or is defective. This car I bought yesterday is a complete dud. It's engine won't even start!
2. Someone who is disappointing or unsuccessful. He turned out to be a bit of a dud. He doesn't have any plans to get a job; he just wants to watch TV all day.
Clothes. What do you think of my new duds?You need to brush your teeth and put on your duds right now, or else you'll be late for school.
n. a failure; something that fails to perform as intended. (see also duds.) The whole idea turned out to be a dud.