get (a) bad press
get (a) good press
get (all) het up
get (an amount of money) for (something)
get (any) ideas
get (one) nowhere
get (one) off the hook
get (one's) claws into (someone)
get (one's) dander up
get (one's) ducks in a row
get (one's) Dutch up
get (one's) end away
get (one's) eye
get (one's) feet under the table
get (one's) fill
get (one's) finger out
get (one's) hands dirty
get (one's) head around (something)
get (one's) head together
get (one's) hopes up
get (one's) knickers in a twist
get (one's) marching orders
get (one's) mind around (something)
get (one's) monkey up
get (one's) say
get (one's) shirt out
get (one's) signals crossed
get (one's) start (in something)
get (one's) tits in a wringer
get (one's)/the facts straight
get (oneself) in gear
get (some) steam up
get (someone or something) under (one's) control
get (something) in apple-pie order
get (something) in one
get (something) in(to) perspective
get (something) moving
get (something) off pat
get (something) off the shelf
get (something) on tick
get (something) out of perspective
get (something) over and done with
get (something) straight from the horse's mouth
get a can on
get a cob on
get a fair shake
get a fix on (one)
get a foothold
get a foothold in (something)
get a free hand
get a free ride
get a fresh start
get a gift of (something)
get a grip
get a guernsey
get a hammering
get a hurry on
get a laugh
get a load of this
get a load on
get a look in
get a pasting
get a quart into a pint pot
get a rain check
get a raw deal
get a roasting
get a taste for (something)
get a thick ear
get a ticket
get a toehold
get a wriggle on
get a/(one's) foot in the door
get a/(one's) leg in the door
get a/(one's) second breath
get aboard
get about
get along on (something)
get along with (someone)
get along without
get an earful
get an even break
get an eyeful
get an inkling (of something)
get an/the itch for (something)
get an/the itch to (do something)
get anywhere
get around to (doing something)
get at (someone or something)
get at the root of the problem
get away
get away from it all
get away scot-free
get away with murder
get axed
get back on the rails
get back to basics
get back to nature
get behind in (something)
get behind on (something)
get behind with (something)
get bent out of shape
get better
get beyond a joke
get blood from a stone
get blood out of a stone
get brain
get busy
get butterflies in (one's) stomach
get carried away
get cold feet
get done for (something)
get down to (doing something)
get down to brass tacks
get down to cases
get down to it
get down to some serious drinking
get down to the facts
get down to the nuts and bolts
get enough courage up (to do something)
get enough guts up (to do something)
get enough nerve up (to do something)
get enough pluck up (to do something)
get enough spunk up (to do something)
get euchred out of (something)
get even
get even with
get face
get flak
get from A to B
get goose bumps
get goose flesh
get goose pimples
get heavy
get hell
get hip to (someone or somebody)
get hold of (oneself)
get hold of the right end of the stick
get hold of the wrong end of the stick
get hot
get hot under the collar
get in (one's) hair
get in a bad mood
get in arrears
get in deeper
get in Dutch (with someone)
get in good shape
get in harm's way
get in sync (with someone or something)
get in the act
get in the groove
get in the swing of it/things
get in there
get in touch with (something)
get in tune with the times
get in vogue
get in(to)
get in(to) a flap
get in(to) a lather
get in(to) a rut
get in(to) a tizz(y)
get in(to) heat
get in(to) shape
get in(to) step (with someone or something)
get in(to) the mainstream (of something)
get in(to) time (with someone or something)
get in(to) trouble
get infested with (something)
get inside
get intimate with (someone)
get into (a bit of) a jam
get into (bit of) a jam
get into (one's) stride
get into a (tight) spot
get into a fight
get into a fix
get into a huddle
get into a lather
get into a mess
get into a vicious circle
get into an argument
get into bad company
get into bed with (someone or something)
get into debt
get into focus
get into it
get into power
get into print
get into the swing of it/things
get into the way
get into the wrong hands
get into trouble
get it (all) together
get it in the neck
get it on
get it over with
get it together
get itchy feet
get itchy fingers
get kicked to the curb
get knocked out cold
get laid
get lost in translation
get lucky
get mad
get married
get mixed up in (something)
get naked
get nasty
get nowhere fast
get off (one's) back
get off (one's) case
get off (one's) high horse
get off a few good ones
get off at (some place)
get off easy
get off on (something)
get off on the right foot
get off on the wrong foot
get off the dime
get off the ground
get off the mark
get off to a false start
get off to a flying start
get off to a fresh start
get off to sleep
get off-kilter
get on (one's) wick
get on (someone or something)
get on famously
get on for (something)
get on in the company
get on in the world
get on in years
get on the (phone) extension
get on the horn
get on the phone
get on the stick
get on the wrong side of (someone)
get on the wrong side of the law
get on to (something)
get on top of (one)
get on top of (something)
get on with (someone)
get onto
get onto the phone
get out of a jam
get out of a/this/that mess
get out of bed on the wrong side
get out of control
get out of hand
get out of hock
get out of jail
get out of kilter
get out of sync (with someone or something)
get out of time (with someone or something)
get out of town
get past (someone or something)
get pasted
get pinked
get pinned for (something
get pins and needles
get pissed off
get played like a fiddle
get plugged into (something)
get PO'd
get religion
get right
get right on (something)
get riled up
get scabbed
get screwed
get serious
get smart (with one)
get snowed
get some rays
get some shuteye
get something going
get something straight
get spliced
get square with (one)
get squiffy
get started on (something)
get steamed up
get straight
get straight to the point
get stupid drunk
get the (dead) needle
get the advantage of (something)
get the all-clear
get the ax(e)
get the ball rolling
get the best of (someone or something)
get the boot
get the bullet
get the chop
get the cold shoulder
get the courage up (to do something)
get the devil
get the drift of (something)
get the feeling
get the first crack at (something)
get the gate
get the go-by
get the guts up (to do something)
get the hook
get the hump
get the idea
get the inside track
get the jitters
get the kinks ironed out
get the kinks out
get the lead out
get the low-down
get the measure of (someone or something)
get the munchies
get the nerve up (to do something)
get the nod
get the OK
get the pluck up (to do something)
get the point
get the push
get the run of (some place)
get the sack
get the shivers
get the short end
get the short end of the stick
get the shove
get the show on the road
get the silent treatment
get the sniffles
get the snuffles
get the spunk up (to do something)
get the stick
get the W
get the weather gage of (someone or something)
get the whetstone
get the whip hand
get the wooden spoon
get the word
get the worst of (something)
get the wrinkles out (of something)
get the wrong idea (about someone or something)
get thee behind me
get thin on top
get through
get tired of (something)
get to first base
get to the bottom of (something)
get to the point
get to the root of (something)
get to the root of the problem
get to the top (of something)
get together
get torqued off
get tough
get turfed
get turfed out
get under (one's) skin
get under (something)
get under way
get untracked
get up
get up a (full) head of steam
get up a thirst
get up an appetite
get up off (of) (something)
get up on the wrong side of (the) bed
get up to (something)
get used
get vibrations
get weaving
get well
get wet
get while the getting is good
get while the going is good
get wind of (something)
get word (from someone or something)
give (one) the sack
got it bad
ill-gotten gains
not get (one's) hopes up
not get a wink of sleep
What's got(ten) into (someone)?
peg one down
peg one down as
peg (one) down as (something)
peg one down to
peg (one) down to (something)
peg one for
peg (one) for (something)
peg out
pegs away
pegs away at
rode down
rode down on
rode for a fall
rode hard and put away wet
rode hard and put it away wet
rode hard and put it up wet
rode hard and put them away wet
rode hard and put them up wet
rode hard and put up wet
rode her about
rode her around
rode her away
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更新时间:2025/3/11 19:15:24