One who or that which produces or contributes to a result. 原因;肇因者;缘由。 Low water in the boiler was the cause of the explosion. 锅炉内贮水不足是爆炸的原因。 A force or condition from which an effect inevitably follows. 原动力;原因。 Gravitation is the cause of the stone's falling. 引力为石头下坠之原动力。 There is no cause for joy. 没有什么可高兴的。 A principle or movement strongly defended or supported. 理想;主义。 She devoted her life to the cause of international peace. 她为世界和平而努力。 the cause of prohibition 禁酒运动。 make common cause with 团结一致。 To produce; bring about. 产生;造成;致使。 His joke caused a fit of laughter to all the audience. 他的笑话引得听众哄堂大笑。 reason, motive, occasion. |