Outline or contour. 外形;轮廓。 A side view of a human head or face. 侧面像。 A drawing in outline, as of a vertical section of a building. 纵截面图(如建物侧面图)。 Concise and vivid biographical sketch. 生平小传。 keep a low profile 【口】保持低姿态(避免挨打或引人注意等)。(= maintain a low profile) maintain a low profile 【口】保持低姿态(避免挨打或引人注意等)。(= keep a low profile) To draw or write a profile of. 画侧面像;描写人物。 She tried to profile a man typical of New York. 她试图扼要描写一个典型的纽约人。 |