/prә`fєʃәnḷ/ /prә`fєʃnәl/ Pertaining to a calling or occupation requiring a superior education. 需高等学识的职业的;专门的。 Following a calling as a means of livelihood: said esp. of one engaged in sport for the sake of money. 职业的;专业的(尤指以运动为职业)。 a professional baseball player 职业棒球选手。 Participated in by those who do so for gain. 职业性的。 a professional football match 职业足球赛。 One who makes his living by an occupation, as distinguished form an amateur, or one who practices an occupation occasionally or for pleasure. 职业选手;专家;职业艺人。 professional education 职业教育;专门教育。 professional man 专门职业者(如医生、律师等)。 |