释义 | See also BURDEN, PROBLEM. ball-breaker and ball-buster n. a difficult task demanding hard work or effort.This job is a real ball-breaker.The task I got assigned was a ball-buster, for sure. ball-busting mod. obnoxious and threatening. (Originally for males, now for either sex.)Tell that ball-busting bitch to mind her own business.Wally is a ball-busting guy who is probably just very insecure. bear n. a difficult task.This problem is a real bear.This is a bear of a job. I'll be glad when it's over. between a rock and a hard place mod. in a very difficult position; facing a hard decision.You got him caught between a rock and a hard place, for sure.I'm between a rock and a hard place. I don't know what to do. bind n. a problem.I've got a little bind here I didn't anticipate.Unfortunately, a new bind has slowed down the project. bitch n. a difficult thing or person. (Use with caution.)Life's a bitch.This algebra problem is a real bitch. bitch of a thing n. a really difficult thing. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)What a bitch of a day!This is a bitch of a job. can of worms n. an intertwined set of problems; an array of difficulties. (Often with open.)This whole business is a real can of worms.When you brought that up, you opened a whole new can of worms. devil of a time n. a very difficult time. (Always with a.)I had a devil of a time with my taxes.This cold has been giving me a devil of a time. devil's own time n. a very difficult time; a hellish time. (Always with the.)I had the devil's own time with these tax forms.My gout is giving me the devil's own time. facts of life n. the truth about life's difficulties.You had better face up to the facts of life and get a job.They taught me everything in college except the facts of life. handful n. a difficult thing or person.Little Jimmy is a handful.His dad can be a handful, too. hard time n. a difficult experience.I had a hard time at the doctor's office.She's having a hard time with her child. have one's ass in a crack tr. to be stranded in a very difficult or uncomfortable state of affairs. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion. Have got can replace have.)He's got his ass in a crack and needs all the help he can get.Now he's really got his ass in a crack and doesn't know what to do. headache department n. a central source of unnecessary problems; a person who habitually causes problems.Here's another memo from the headache department.Mrs. Wilson is my least favorite headache department. hell of a mess n. a terrible mess.This is really a hell of a mess you've gotten us into.I never dreamed I'd come back to such a hell of a mess. hot potato n. a difficult problem.I sure don't want to have to deal with that hot potato.This one is a hot potato. Ignore it for a while. in a jam mod. in a difficult situation.I think I'm sort of in a jam.Sam is in a jam. make it hot for someone tr. to make things difficult for someone; to put someone under pressure. (Note the variation in the examples.)The cops were making it hot for him, so he blew town.The boss is making it a little hot for me, so I had better get to work on time. make waves tr. to cause difficulty. (Often in the negative.)Just relax. Don't make waves.If you make waves too much around here, you won't last long. play hell with someone or something and play the devil with someone or something tr. to cause difficulty for someone or something.You know that this cake is going to play hell with my diet.Your decision plays hell with all my friends. put to it mod. in trouble or difficulty; hard up (for something such as money). (As if one's back were put to the wall.)Sorry, I can't lend you anything. I'm a bit put to it this month.What a day. I'm really put to it. rough time n. a hard time; a bad time.I didn't mean to give you such a rough time. I'm sorry.What a rough time we had getting the car started! shoot oneself in the foot tr. to cause oneself difficulty; to be the author of one's own doom.I am a master at shooting myself in the foot.Again, he shot himself in the foot with his open and honest dealings with the press. snag n. a difficulty.There's a little snag in our plan.We ran into a little snag, I'm sorry to say. stinker n. a serious problem.This whole business is a real stinker.What a stinker of a problem. tale of woe n. a sad story; a list of personal problems; an excuse for failing to do something.I listened to her tale of woe without saying anything.This tale of woe that we have all been getting from Kelly is just too much. tight spot n. a difficulty.I'm in sort of a tight spot and wonder if you can help me out.Sure, I like helping people out of tight spots as long as it doesn't cost me any money. tough row to hoe n. a difficult task to carry out; a heavy set of burdens.It's a tough row to hoe, but hoe it you will.This is not an easy task. This is a tough row to hoe. up the creek (without a paddle) and up a creek mod. in an awkward position with no easy way out. (This creek is called “shit creek.”)I'm sort of up the creek and don't know what to do.You are up a creek! You got yourself into it, so get yourself out. wart n. a problem or an obstruction in a plan.Okay, now we come to the wart. We don't have the money to carry out this plan.It's okay except for a little wart. wrinkle n. a minor problem.A wrinkle has developed in the Wilson proposal.What are we going to do about this wrinkle in the computer system? |
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