词汇 | check |
释义 | check /tʃєk/ check 1 n. A restraint; control. 抑制;制止;控制。 to come on without check 畅行无阻。 A reproof. 斥责;责备。 A ticket for identifying the holder. 号码牌。 An order or draft on a bank for money. 支票(=【英】cheque)。 He received a check for one hundred dollars. 他收到百元支票一纸。 In chess, the position in which the king is under attack. 王棋被攻时的位置;将军。 A mark showing that something has been examined or verified. 核对记号;检验记号。 A means of securing accuracy by verifying one thing with another. 核对;检误。 Examination; inspection; investigation. 检查;视察;调查。 Obstruction. 妨碍;障碍。 Bill for food and drink. (餐饮店的)帐单。 Sudden stop. 突然停止。 Crack or chink. 裂缝;裂罅。 Pattern of squares. 方格子的花样;方格图案;小方格。 phrases draw a check 开支票。 hand in one's checks (a)将筹码兑还。(b)放弃;死。 hold [keep] sth in check 阻止。 pass in one's checks 【美】【俚】死;翘辫子。 (过去式: checked; 过去完成式: checked; 现在进行式: checking) v.t. To restrain; stop. 抑制;制止。 The multiplication of animals is checked by want of food. 因食物之缺乏使动物之繁衍受抑制。 To reprove. 斥责。 To examine by comparison, or mark as having been examined or verified. 检查;核对;作检验记号。 Please check the right answer to each question. 请选出每个问题的正确答案。 To hold up by a checkrein, as a horse's head. 拉缰控制(如马头)。 To deposit for safe-keeping. (为保管而)寄存。 Check your umbrella at the door. 将你的伞寄放在门口。 To consign (as luggage) to a common carrier from which one has purchased a passenger ticket. 托运(行李)。 To menace (an opponent's king). 攻王棋;将军。 v.i. To pause; halt. 暂停;停止。 The bus checked with a jolt. 巴士猛颠一下停住了。 To open in cracks, as wood. 破裂(如木)。 To prove to be right. 证明无误;符合。 The reprint checks with the original. 复印与原稿本符合无误。 phrases check in (a)到旅馆,机场等处登记或报到。(b)清;收回(某物)并记录下来;查收。 check off 验讫。 check out 付(房)帐而离去;结帐离开。 check over 检查。 check (up) on 检查;调查。 check with (a)与...一致。(b)谘询。 interj. Okay. 【口】好!可以! Your king is now under attack. 将军!(下棋时)。 idoms check and balance 制衡(美国政治机构的基本原)。 checking account 【美】活期存款。 check list 核对清册;目录。 check to bearer 见票即付的支票。 check to order 记名支票。 check trading 支票交易(出售银行支票给顾客须分期将支票面额连同利息偿还)。 check writer 支票机。 check 2 n. A pattern of squares of alternating colors, as on a checkerboard. 棋盘格;方格纹。 Cloth woven with this pattern. 方格子花布。 (过去式: checked; 过去完成式: checked; 现在进行式: checking) v.t. To mark in small squares. 画小方格;作方格。 |
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