A track formed by two parallel rails, along which cars are propelled by some power, such as steam or electricity. 【美】铁道;铁轨。 Such a road, with all the land, stations, cars, etc., pertaining to it. 【美】铁路设备。 Organization and persons operating a railroad. 【美】铁路公司。 To put through rapidly. 【口】迅速通过(through)。 to railroad act through a legislature 在立法院迅速通过某条例。 To convict (someone) hastily and unjustly. 【口】轻率审判而定罪。 His enemies tried to railroad him to prison without a fair trial. 他的敌人想以轻率不公的审判让他入狱。 rairoad flat (似火车列车号)户户相连的公寓。 |