sell like hotcakes
To be sold quickly and in large quantities. This record has been selling like hotcakes—I can't keep it in stock!
sell like hot cakes
To sell very quickly. We had to order a second shipment of shirts because they have just been selling like hot cakes!
sell like hotcakes
Fig. [for something] to be sold very fast. The delicious candy sold like hotcakes. The fancy new cars were selling like hotcakes.
sell like hot cakes
BRITISH or sell like hotcakes
mainly AMERICANIf things sell like hot cakes, people buy large quantities of them in a short time. The software is selling like hot cakes. Her products sold like hotcakes. Note: You can also say that things go like hot cakes. The salesman says they've been going like hot cakes. Note: In American English, `hotcakes' are pancakes, while in British English `hot cakes' are cakes which have just been baked.
sell (or go) like hot cakes
be sold quickly and in large quantities.