释义 |
rights noun► do the rightsto seek or gain revenge UK, 2002
idiomrightsget/have sb bang to rights BrEBrEhave sb dead to rights AmEold-fashioned if the police get a criminal bang to rights, they have caught him and can prove that he is responsible for a crime:There's not much I can say - you've got me bang to rights.I had him dead to rights but missed the tackle. (redirected from rights)
rightat a certain time exactly or precisely at a specific place or time. Meet me at this corner right at 3:00 P.M. The restaurant is right at First and Main Streets. See:- (as) right as a trivet
- (as) right as ninepence
- (as) right as rain
- (just/right) up (one's) street
- (one's) heart is in the right place
- (right) down (one's) alley
- (right) from the off
- (right) here and now
- (right) on cue
- (right) on the money
- (right) under (one's) (very) nose
- (right) up (one's) alley
- (right) up there with (someone or something)
- (the) right of way
- a bit of all right
- a dead clock is right twice a day
- a right one
- a step in the right direction
- a stopped clock is right twice a day
- acknowledge (one) to be right
- acknowledge to be right
- all right
- All right already!
- all right for you
- All right for you!
- all right with
- all right with (one)
- all right with one
- all right(y) already
- all rights reserved
- along the right lines
- alternative right
- alt-right
- am I right or am I right
- am I right?
- amirite
- anyone in their right mind
- as of right
- as right as rain
- bang dead to rights
- bang to rights
- be (as) right as rain
- be (just/right) up (one's) street
- be (on) the right side of (an age)
- be (on) the wrong side of (an age)
- be (right) down (one's) alley
- be (right) on the money
- be (right) up there with (someone or something)
- be all right
- be in the right
- be in the right place at the right moment
- be in the right place at the right time
- be in the right spot at the right time
- be in the same/right ballpark
- be not right in the head
- be on the right lines
- be on the right track
- be on the right/wrong side of 40, 50, etc.
- be on the right/wrong track
- be put to rights
- be right back
- be right there
- be right with you
- be set to rights
- bragging rights
- by rights
- catch (one) bang to rights
- catch (one) dead to rights
- come down to
- come out with
- Come right in
- customer is always right
- customer is always right, the
- damn right
- dead to rights
- do all right by (one)
- do right by (someone)
- do right by somebody
- do the right thing
- do the something thing
- err on the right side
- everything's going to be all right
- get (one) bang to rights
- get (one) right here
- get (one's) priorities right
- get (one's) priorities straight
- get (something) right
- get hold of the right end of the stick
- get off on the right foot
- get on the good side of (someone)
- get on the wrong side of (someone)
- get one right here
- get right
- get right on
- get right on (something)
- get right with (someone)
- get someone bang to rights
- get something right/straight
- get something straight
- get straight
- get your priorities right/straight
- get/keep on the right/wrong side of somebody
- get/start off on the right/wrong foot
- gets one right here
- give (one) (the right of/to) first refusal
- give (one's) right arm
- give one's eyeteeth
- give one's right arm, to
- give right arm
- give your right arm
- go (right) through (one) like a dose of salts
- go in the right direction
- go right
- go right through (one)
- go right through one
- go through one
- God-given right
- God's in his heaven; all's right with the world
- hang a left
- hang a left/right
- hang a right
- have (one) bang to rights
- have (one) dead to rights
- have (one's) head screwed on (right)
- have (one's) heart in the right place
- have a right to
- have a screw loose
- have a/the right to (do something)
- have a/the right to (something)
- have dead to rights
- have heart in the right place
- have one's head screwed on right
- have someone bang to rights
- have someone dead to rights
- have the right idea
- have the right sow by the ear
- have your heart in the right place
- heart in the right place, have one's
- heart in the right place, to have one's
- hit (one) (right) between the eyes
- hit me (right) in the feels
- hit the nail (right) on the head
- hit the right chord
- hit the right note
- hit/strike the right/wrong note
- hold mouth the right way
- if wishes were horses, (then) beggars might ride
- if wishes were horses, (then) beggars would ride
- if you want a thing done well/right, do it yourself
- if you want something done well/right, do it yourself
- I'll get right on (something)
- I'll get right on it
- I'm all right, Jack
- in (one's) own right
- in (one's) right mind
- in one's own right
- in one's right mind
- in own right
- in right mind
- in the right
- in the right place at the right time
- in the right, be
- in your own right
- in your right mind
- is that right
- Is that so?
- it serves someone right
- it'll be all right on the night
- it's all right
- it's all right for some
- it's/that's all right
- jog to the right
- keep on the good side of (someone)
- keep on the right side
- keep on the right side of
- keep on the right side of (someone)
- keep one’s head right
- left and right
- left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
- left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, the
- left, right and centre
- left, right, and center
- left, right, and centre
- look right through (one)
- make (all) the right noises
- make (something) right
- make the right noises
- might is right
- might makes right
- Miss Right
- Mister Right
- Mr Right
- Mr. Right
- no one in his/her/their right mind would (do something)
- nobody in their right mind
- not (quite) right in the head
- not right in the head
- not right now
- not right now, thanks
- off on the right foot
- on (one's) right side
- on heels
- on the money
- on the right foot
- on the right foot, get off
- on the right lines
- on the right tack
- on the right track
- one's heart is in the right place
- play (one's) cards right
- play (right) into (one's) hands
- play (right) into the hands of (one)
- play cards right
- play one's cards right
- play one's cards right/well, to
- play your cards right
- point (one) in the right direction
- point someone in the right direction
- press (all) the right buttons
- press the right button
- price is right, the
- push the right button(s)
- put (someone) right
- put (something) right
- put (something) to rights
- put right
- put someone right
- put something right
- put things right
- put/set somebody right
- put/set something to rights
- read (one) (one's) rights
- read one rights
- right
- right a wrong
- right and left
- right as a trivet
- right as rain
- right away
- right away/off
- right back at you
- right back atcha
- right down alley
- right enough
- right foot foremost
- right guy
- right in the kisser
- right now
- right of way
- right off
- right off the bat
- right on
- right on the button
- right on the money
- right on the nail
- right on time
- Right on!
- right out
- right royal
- right side of the tracks
- right side up
- right side, on someone's
- right smart
- right tack/track, to take/on the
- right to
- right to (do) (something)
- right to do
- right to life
- right to work
- right up one’s alley
- right up one's alley
- right up one's alley, to be
- right up your alley
- right up your street
- right you are
- right you are!
- right/wrong place at the right time, to be in the
- right-hand man
- right-of-way
- right-side out
- right-side up
- sail right through something
- sail through
- sail through (something)
- see (one) right
- see somebody right
- see someone right
- send the right message
- serve (one) right
- serve one right
- serve right
- serve somebody right
- serve someone right
- set (something) right
- set (something) to rights
- set right
- set to rights
- she'll be right
- she'll be right(, mate)
- she's right
- she's right(, mate)
- sit right (with one)
- sit right with
- somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan
- start off
- start off on the right foot
- start off on the right foot, to
- stay on the good side of (someone)
- stay on the right side of (someone)
- step in the right direction, a
- step right up
- step right up to (someone or something)
- straighten up and fly right
- strike the right chord
- strike the right note
- swipe right
- take two and hit to right
- that's all right
- that's right
- the customer is always right
- the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
- the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing
- the price is right
- the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
- the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing
- the right side of the tracks
- the right stuff
- tick all the (right) boxes
- to rights
- too right
- too right/true
- too true
- took the words right out of my mouth
- turn out all right
- Two wrongs do not make a right
- two wrongs don't make a right
- two wrongs make a right
- under one's nose, (right)
- walk into (something)
- walk right in
- walk right up
- we've got a right one here
- when it comes right down to it
- when it comes to
- within (one's) rights
- within rights
- within your rights
- words right out of one's mouth, to take
- work out
- would give your right arm for
- would give your right arm for something/to do something
- wrong scent, to be on the
- Yeah, right!
- your heart is in the right place
- your right-hand man
- your, his, etc. heart is in the right place