The chief commodity produced in a district. (常用复数)(一地区之)主要产品。 The principal element of something; chief item. 主要成分;要素。 Raw material for manufacture. 原料。 The fiber of cotton, flax, or wool. (棉、麻或羊毛之)纤维。 Commodity in steady demand. 销路固定的商品。 Basic food item. (常用复数)基本食料。 Chief; regularly produced. 主要的;固定生产的。 To sort according to the equity of its fiber. (依纤维之长短)分类。 A small U-shaped piece of metal, to be driven into wood to hold or fasten something. 马钉;U型钉。 Wire similarly bent to fasten papers together by being driven through with a special device and having the ends clinched on the other side. 钉书针。 To fasten with a staple or staples. 用钉书针钉住。 |