A room; esp. a sleeping room. 室;房间;(尤指)寝室。 A place where an assembly meets. 会场;会议室。 the Senate chamber 参议院议事厅。 A hollow space in some object, as a gun. 物体中之空处;槽;窝;洞(如枪膛)。 A group of persons who make laws. [the ~] 【美】(上、下)议院;立法团体。 Enclosed space or compartment. 附加的空间或小客室。 Office of a judge near the courtroom. 推事室。 A room where a judge transacts business. (常用复数)法官办公室。 chamber of horrors 陈列恐怖事物的房间。 chamber orchestra 室内管弦乐队(每种乐器仅由一人演奏)。 |