n. illegal liquor. (Prohibition.)You know where I can get some jake?Why, there's no jake around here. There's a law against it, you know.
n. illicit liquor.
Where's that bottle of moonlight you used to keep under the counter?How about a sip of moonlight?
in. to traffic in illicit liquor. (Best done under the cover of darkness.)
He moonlighted during Prohibition.Jed was moonlighting around the clock.
mountain dew
n. illicit liquor; any liquor.Mountain dew is what I want. As long as it's not store-bought.My pappy made his own mountain dew.
n. inferior liquor.This swipe is gross. I'd rather drink water.I can't stand the swipe they serve here.
who shot John
n. illicit whiskey. (Prohibition.)You know where I can get a little of that who shot John?He's had too much of that who shot John.