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词汇 alcohol
alchy and alkie; alky
n. alcohol; an alcoholic beverage.
He showed up with a week's supply of alkie.The crooks stole most of the alchy from the bar at the club.
n. liquor.
The cowboy walked in, downed a shot, and called for more ammunition.He's had about all the ammunition he can hold.
n. liquor; any legal or illegal alcohol.
With enough antifreeze, I can stand the cold.Here's some antifreeze to stop your teeth from chattering.
n. liquor.
I feel a little overcome by the beast.Pour me some more of that beast.
berps and burps
n. liquor; beer.
Did you bring the berps for the party?Hey, this is pretty good burps.
n. beverage alcohol. (Slang since the 1500s.)
I don't care for booze. It makes me sneeze.Where's the booze?
n. liquor. (Always with the in this sense.)
Her only true love is the bottle.The bottle plays a big role in his life.
breakfast of champions
n. a first alcoholic drink of the day, taken in the morning, instead of breakfast. (Collegiate.)
Well, here it goes—the breakfast of champions.He calls it the breakfast of champions. I call it a bad sign of something out of hand.
mod. “bring your own (booze or bottle).” (Initialism.)
A note on the invitation says that the party is BYOB.I hate BYOB parties. There's never enough to drink.
cactus juice
n. tequila. (A Mexican liquor.)
Ernie brought back a big jug of cactus juice from Mexico.This cactus juice will make your hair stand on end.
n. an alcoholic drink taken after a nonalcoholic one; beer, water, or some similar liquid drunk after a shot of hard liquor.
I could use a little chaser with this soda.I'd like a double scotch and a beer chaser.
mod. (of liquor) undiluted; neat.
No soda. Clear, please.I like mine clear with just one ice cube.
Dutch courage
n. liquor; false courage from drinking liquor.
A couple of shots of Dutch courage, and he was ready to face anything.How about a little Dutch courage to help you through the first act?
n. liquor. (Usually with the. Incorporated into a suggestion that the evidence be destroyed by drinking it.)
There is only one thing to do with evidence like this, and that's drink it.They knocked back all the evidence very quickly.
n. liquor.
How about some of that nice eyewash?You've been putting away a lot of that eyewash, haven't you?
n. whiskey. (From cowboy and Indian talk.)
This firewater leaves a lot to be desired.This isn't gin; it's firewater!
n. liquor.
You want some more gargle?Pour me a little of that gargle, if you please.
n. liquor, especially inferior liquor.
You want some more gas?Pour me a little more of that gas, will you?
n. a portion of liquor, a gallon or a single drink.
You want another gee of this booze?How about a gee for me?
get down to some serious drinking
in. to settle down to a long session of drinking.
Well, now we can get down to some serious drinking.When the kids go to bed, let's get down to some serious drinking.
giggle goo
n. liquor.
Can I pour you a little of that giggle goo?Haven't you had about enough of that giggle goo?
n. liquor.
Here, have some more of this grog.That's enough grog for me.
happy juice
n. liquor, beer, and wine.
A little more happy juice, John?Too much happy juice can make you very unhappy.
mod. fermented, as with cider.
This juice got hard. What shall I do with it?Where's the hard stuff?If it's hard, give it to me and I'll drink it.
hard case
n. a case of liquor.
Pete wanted a hard case delivered to his house.There's a lot of beer and a hard case in the van.
n. liquor.
Pour me some more of that headache, will you?Give the man some more headache.
holiday cheer
n. liquor, especially liquor drunk at Christmas and New Year's.
I think he had a little too much holiday cheer.Would you care for a little holiday cheer?
n. homemade liquor or beer.
Is this your own home-brew, Wally?My uncle makes his own homebrew.
n. homemade liquor or beer.
Jed offered a little of his homespun round the table.How about a swig of homespun?
hooch and hootch
n. hard liquor; any alcoholic beverage.
Let's go guzzle some hooch.More hootch for you?
idiot juice and idiotic
n. a mixture of ground nutmeg and water. (Prisons.)
Somehow a bunch of these guys got hold of some idiot juice.He drank about a gallon of idiotic to get the kick of one beer.
idiot oil
n. alcohol.
She drinks too much of that idiot oil.Idiot oil can wreck you as much as smack does.
joy juice
n. liquor; beer.
Joy juice makes Ted sad.Can I pour some more of this joy juice?
n. a jug of liquor; a jar of moonshine; a can of beer.
Where's my jug? I need a swig.Pass her the jug, Sam.
n. liquor; wine.
Let's go get some juice and get stewed.You got any juice in your room?
jungle juice
n. homemade liquor; any strong liquor.
This jungle juice will knock you for a loop.Jungle juice will do in a pinch.
mod. having to do with undiluted alcohol.
I'll take mine kosher with a little ice.Do you want this kosher or with soda?
tr. to add alcohol to coffee or tea; to add alcohol to any food or drink.
Who laced the punch?I think I'll lace my coffee with a little whisky.
light stuff
n. low-proof liquor.
The light stuff is okay for parties, but not for serious drinking.Poor Sam is trying to cut down by drinking the light stuff. He drinks twice as much, though.
mod. spiked with liquor; containing much alcohol.
There's a little rum in the eggnog, but it's certainly not what I would call loaded.Wow, this punch is loaded!
n. liquor.
A little lubrication would help this party a lot.Wally has had a little too much lubrication.
n. liquor.
Who's bringing the lush to the party?Lead me to the lush.
n. homemade whisky; any cheap or inferior liquor.
This moonshine isn't the best you've made.Moonshine is supposed to be strong, not good.
in. to distill or traffic in illicit liquor.
Yeah, I moonshine a little. So what?You would be amazed at how much people moonshine back in the hills.
n. liquor; a drink of liquor.
I could use a shot of that mouthwash.You could use a little mouthwash after that long trip, I bet.
n. liquor.
I've had a little too much muddler, I think. Anyway, I'm muddled.Let's stop here for some muddler.
mod. undiluted; having to do with neat liquor, especially gin.
No ice, please. I want mine naked.Give me a naked whisky, if you don't mind.
Name your poison.
sent. “State what you want to drink.” (Refers to alcoholic drinks only.)
Okay, friend, name your poison.Step up to the bar and name your poison.
n. beer with less than 1/2 percent alcohol content. (Originally from the Prohibition era.)
I read in the paper that near-beer is making a comeback.You can drink a lot of near-beer without getting drunk.
n. a small, quick drink of liquor.
Here, have a nip of this stuff.One nip is enough. That is powerful!
in. to take small drinks of liquor periodically.
Paul has been nipping since noon.After nipping all day, Fred was pretty well stewed by dinnertime.
off the wagon
mod. drinking liquor after a period of abstinence.
Poor John fell off the wagon again. Drunk as a skunk.He was off the wagon for a year the last time before he sobered up.
old soldier
n. an empty liquor bottle; an empty beer bottle or can.
Larry hid all his old soldiers under the bed.Bill hit Tom over the head with an old soldier.
one for the road
n. a drink; a drink before a journey.
Let's have one for the road.Don't have one for the road if you are going to be the driver.
one too many
n. one alcoholic drink too many, implying drunkenness.
I think I've had one too many. It's time to stop drinking.Don't drive if you've had one too many.
on tap
mod. having to do with beer sold from a barrel or keg.
Do you have any imported beers on tap here?I like beer on tap. The canned stuff tastes funny to me.
on the juice
mod. drinking heavily; on a drinking bout.
Fred spent the whole week on the juice.She won't be able to return your call. I'm afraid she's on the juice again.
on the rocks
mod. (of an alcoholic drink) with ice cubes.
I'd like mine on the rocks, please.Give me a scotch on the rocks, please.
on the sauce
mod. drinking regularly; alcohol intoxicated.
Poor old Ron is on the sauce again.He is on the sauce most of the time.
on the squiff
mod. on a drinking bout.
Bob is out on the squiff again.Max is always on the squiff, except when he's shooting dope.
on the tank and on a tank
mod. on a drinking bout.
All the guys were on the tank last Saturday.Paul spent all weekend on a tank.
n. liquor.
Pass that bottle of painkiller over here. My throat hurts.He should look happy. He's full of painkiller.
paint remover
n. strong or inferior whiskey or other spirits.
That paint remover you gave me nearly burned out my throat.What do you call that paint remover, anyway? It sure is powerful.
n. white wine; cheap wine; any liquor. (From French blanc.)
That plonk is really hard on the gut.How about a bottle of plonk?
pluck and plug
n. wine; cheap wine. (Originally black.)
Where can I get some pluck?You spilled plug all over my car seat.
n. a drink of beer.
Let me have a plug out of that bottle.I just want a plug, not the whole thing.
n. an alcoholic drink.
Name your poison.How about a drink of that poison there?
n. champagne. (From shampoo.)
How about another glass of poo?Oh, I just love poo!
n. a can of beer (in a pop-top can).
Hey, toss me a popper, Fred!You ready for another popper, Tom?
n. fiery liquor; inferior whiskey.
This popskull will burn a hole in you.Where is that jug of popskull?
pop (some) tops
tr. to drink beer.
Wanna go out tonight and pop some tops?We are going to pop tops and watch the B-ball game.
pop wine
n. a cheap, flavorful, sparkling wine drink.
Even if you don't like fine wines, you'll like pop wine.They were drinking pop wine like it was water.
in. to drink heavily.
He's been potting since dusk.Let's sit here and pot for a while.
tr. to drink something quickly.
Dan said he could pound the cup of coffee in thirty seconds.You don't have to pound your milk. Take your time.
pound a beer and pound some beers; hammer a beer; hammer some beers; slam a beer; slam some beers
tr. to drink a beer; to drink a beer fast.
On a hot day like this, I want to go home and pound a beer.Let's go down to the tavern and slam some beers.We went out and hammered some beers.
n. a drink; a drink from a flask.
He took another pull and kept on talking.Can I have a pull?
tr. to take a drink or a mouthful of liquor from a bottle or other container.
He pulled a slug from the bottle.She pulled a mouthful and then spat it out.
pull jive
tr. to drink liquor.
Let's go pull jive for a while.Don't you ever do anything but pull jive?
n. a quart bottle of liquor. (An abbreviation.)
While you're there, get me a Q of whiskey.She can knock off a Q a day.
quaff a brew
tr. to drink a beer.
I went down to the bar to quaff a brew.Let's go somewhere and quaff a brew.
n. illicit liquor, especially whiskey. (Prohibition era.)
Can you get me a bottle of queer?This isn't queer; it's left over from before Prohibition.
n. bad beer; beer of low alcohol content.
I hate this queer-beer. Get out the good stuff.Please don't serve me any of your queer-beer.
n. a drink of liquor or beer.
I could really use a quencher about now.How about a nice cold quencher?
quick one and quickie
n. a quick drink of booze; a single beer consumed rapidly.
I could use a quick one about now.I only have time for a quickie.
mod. (of alcoholic spirits) undiluted; neat.
No ice, please. I prefer it raw.I'll drink it raw—just the way it is now.
n. liquor; any alcoholic beverage.
Those guys have had too much sauce again.Did you bring the sauce? Can't have a good party without lots of sauce.
n. liquor; beer.
Fill it up with shicker again.How do you know when you've had enough shicker?
tr. to lace a drink with liquor.
I'm gonna shoot the punch with rum.Harry shot his date's Coke with vodka.
silo drippings
n. alcohol allegedly obtained at the base of a silo containing fermenting corn.
You actually drink this stuff? This is silo drippings.The old-timer called his moonshine “silo drippings.”
skag and scag
n. hard liquor.
No beer for me. Tonight it's scag.The two of them put away a quart of my finest skag.
n. beer; liquor.
How about a glass of slosh?No slosh for me. Just plain water.
tr. to add ether or alcohol to beer, originally by injecting it through the cork with a hypodermic needle; to add alcohol to a nonalcoholic drink. (From Prohibition times.)
He found a man who would spike his beer for a small fee.He spiked the beer with ether, which is a dangerous thing to do.
mod. having to do with a drink with alcohol added; having to do with a punch with an alcoholic content.
Is the punch spiked? I want some without.We only have spiked punch.Max's breakfast orange juice is usually spiked.
n. liquor. (Black.)
Let's stop on the way and get some squeeze.Freddie, where is your squeeze?
n. liquor.
He couldn't seem to get enough staggers.She poured herself a huge glass of staggers and mumbled something about cough medicine.
straight (up)
mod. without ice; neat.
I'll have a bourbon, straight up, please.I'll take mine straight.
suck and suction
n. liquor; wine; beer; strong drink.
How about a little glass of suck before we leave?This is powerful suction!
n. beer.
How about some suds, Bill?I can't get enough suds.
n. liquor.
This swill is awful. Please give me some beer.The swill they serve here is better than you can get elsewhere.
n. liquor; beer; a drink of an alcoholic beverage.
What a hot day. I could use some swizzle.What I need is a nice cold swizzle.
n. liquor; alcoholic drink.
Would you care for more tea?Give the lady some more tea.
throat gag
n. liquor; strong liquor.
Pour me another of that throat gag, barkeep.That throat gag nearly choked me.
n. liquor; strong liquor.
This is mighty fine tipple.A little more tipple, Tom?
tongue oil and tongue loosener
n. liquor.
She had a little too much tongue oil and was telling all about everybody.Barlowe poured the pigeon another shot of tongue loosener.
n. liquor.
How about some more tonic?Just a bit of tonic. I'm cutting down.
tonsil bath
n. liquor; a drink of liquor.
I could use a little tonsil bath about now.You want some more of that tonsil bath?
tonsil paint and tonsil varnish
n. liquor; whiskey.
This tonsil varnish would take the paint off a barn.Give the man a cup of tonsil paint.
tornado juice
n. whiskey; strong whiskey.
You want another round of tornado juice?This tornado juice smells like antifreeze.
turps and terps
n. liquor. (From turpentine.)
Don't forget to stop at the comfort station and get the turps.You got enough terps for the party?
whiff-sniffer and wiff-sniffer
n. a prohibitionist; someone always alert for the smell of alcohol on someone's breath. (Prohibition.)
Martin is something of a whiff-sniffer.No wiff-sniffer is going to tell me what to do.
woofle-water and wozzle-water
n. whiskey; liquor.
Haven't you had just about enough woofle-water?No more wozzle-water for me.

under the influence of alcohol

Drunk. The police pulled him over for driving under the influence of alcohol.

have an alcohol problem

To tend to drink alcohol often and to excess. Yeah, I had an alcohol problem when I was younger—that's why I went to rehab.

have an alcohol problem

 and have a drinking problem
Euph. to be a drunkard. He has an alcohol problem. It got so bad that he almost lost his job. If you have a drinking problem, our clinic can help.




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