rock 'n' roll
a genre of music with a driving rhythm; an umbrella for most simply rhythmic music produced since the 1950s. The etymology is laden with sexual overtones, thus 'My Man Rocks Me With One Steady Roll', sung by blues singer Trixie Smith in 1924, and a song entitled 'Rock and Roll' is recorded in 1934. It is not until 1954 that the music now recognised as 'rock 'n' roll' is given its identity; coinage is generally credited to US disc jockey Alan Freed US, 1924.
a hole. Rhyming slang, used practically or figuratively UK, 1992.
unemployment benefit; any government office from which it is administrated. Rhyming slang for THE DOLE UK, 1994
Ⅱ ⇨ rock and roll; rock 'n' roll
verb to begin and perform the task at hand US, 1990