your own flesh and blood
your own man
your own person
your own way
your own woman
your own worst enemy
your party piece
your passport to
your pet hate
your pet hates
your pièce de résistance
your place in the sun
your place of business
Your place or mine?
your pleasure
your point is well taken
your point of view
your pound of flesh
your pride and joy
your raison d'être
your right-hand man
your right hand man
your right-hand woman
your road to Damascus
your rooster
your roosters
your salad days
your salad years
yours and ours
your say
your sea legs
your second childhood
your second childhoods
your second wind
Your secret is safe with me
yourself again
yourself silly
yours ever
yours ever/ever yours
yours faithfully
Yours for the Asking
your ship comes in
your ship to come in
your significant other
your smart mouth
your/somebody's blood is up
your, somebody's, etc. blue-eyed boy
your/somebody's face doesn't fit
your/somebody's game
your/somebody's heart is not in it
your/somebody's knees are knocking
your/somebody's number came up
your/somebody's number comes up
your/somebody's number is up
your/somebody's number two
yours sincerely
your star is rising
your start
your starter for ten
your stones
your stripes
your strong suit
yours truly
your Sunday best
your sunday finest
your Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
your sun has set
your sunset years
your tail between legs
your tail between your legs
your take on
your take on this
your/the last/final word
your/the last gasp
your/the pièce de résistance
your time of the month
your tongue hanging out
your tongue hangs out
your tongue hung out
your tongue is hanging out
your true color
your true colors
your true colours
your true stripes
your trump card
your tuppence
your tuppence worth
your two cents
your two cent's worth
your two cents' worth
your two cents worth
your two cent worth
your twopence
your twopence worth
your two pennies
your two pennies worth
your two penn'orth
you rule
your Venus turned out a whelp
your Venus turns out a whelp
your walking papers
your way
your way of life
your way or the highway
your way out of a paper bag
your wedding tackle
your welcome
your whole world came crashing down around
your whole world came crashing down around you
your whole world is turned upside-down
your whole world is turned upside down
your whole world was turned upside-down
your whole world was turned upside down
your wish is my command!
your wish is my command
your word
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