n. a fat person. (Crude. Derogatory. Also a rude term of address. Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)
Who's the lard ass with the sixty-inch waist?Hey, lard ass, get moving!
Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
offensive slang An obese person, often one considered to be lazy. They hired some lardass to be a security guard—I don't know how he'll be able to stop a thief from running away.I turned into a bit of a lardass after the accident, as all I could do with two broken legs was stay inside and play video games all day.
lard ass
1. n. someone with very fat buttocks. (see also crisco.) Here comes that lard ass again.
2. n. very large buttocks. (Rude and derogatory.) I’m gonna have to do something about this lard ass of mine.