To pull along behind one. 拖;拉;曳。 We towed the car to the nearest garage. 我们把车拖到最近的修车厂。 The act of pulling; the condition of being pulled. 曳;拖。 Anything pulled along by, or as by, a towline. 任何被拖之物。 in tow (a)拖着。(b)指导;管教。(c)陪伴;跟随。 tow boat 拖船。(=tug tugboat; pullboat) tow car 【美】拖车(用以拖走抛锚或发生车祸的车辆)(=wrecker)。 The short, coarse fibres of flax or hemp, used for making yarn or twine. 制绳用粗短的麻纤维。 |