A grating of parallel bars. 格子;栅栏。 An electrode, or electric pole, placed between the filament and plate of an electron tube and controlling the current between plate and filament. 【电】栅极;栅网极(真空管中置于白热丝及阳极间之电极,用以控制白热丝及阳极间之电流者)。 Lead plate with perforations or other surface irregularities for supporting the active material in storage batteries. 蓄电池中的铅版(有穿孔或其他不规则表面以支持活性物质)。 System of high-tension power lines serving a large area. 高压线输电系统。 Network of equally spaced rectangular lines, used as reference lines for locating points on charts, maps, etc. 方格网(空间相等之长方形线,用作图表、地图上定点之参考线)。 grid road 【加】棋盘式道路(依据测量的基准线造出的道路)。 |