Pertaining to the reign of Queen Victoria of England. 英女皇维多利亚时代的。 Showing the middle-class respectability, prudery, bigotry, etc. generally attributed to Victorian England. 维多利亚式的(如中产阶级的爱体面、假正经、偏执等)。 Designating or of a style of furniture of the 19th century, characterized by ornate, flowery carving and patterned upholstery. 英十九世纪的家具风格(重华丽藻饰)。 A person living during that time, esp. a writer. 维多利亚女皇时代之人(尤指作家)。 A person whose thoughts and habits are like those common during Queen Victoria's reign. 有维多利亚女皇时代思想及习惯之人。 Victoria cross 维多利亚勋章(为维多利亚女王于1856年创的勋章,颁给有英勇表现的战士)。 |