In weaving, the end or fringe of warp threads left on the loom after the web has been cut off. 纱头;线头。 Hence, any short, loose thread, fringe, or tassel. 任何短而松乱的线;繸;缨络。 Coarse, loose yarn waste. 乱线头;绳屑。 To play on or finger (a stringed instrument) idly, monotonously, or listlessly; strum. (以指)随便弹。 To drum on or tap, as a table. 轻叩(桌子)。 He thrummed the table with his fingers. 他以手指轻叩桌面。 To play idly on a stringed instrument; strum. 随便弹(弦乐器)。 To drum or tap idly with the fingers. (以手)轻敲。 A monotonous tapping or drumming. (单调的)敲叩。 |