An unintentional opining of the jaws, as from sleepiness. 打呵欠。 A tiresome thing or person; a bore. 惹人厌烦的人(物)。 An opining ; open space; chasm. 缺口;大裂口。 To open the mouth wide, as from hunger, surprise, or bewilderment. 张口(因饥饿、惊奇、困惑所致)。 To open the mouth as wide as possible while inhaling deeply, as from drowsiness. 打呵欠。 He closed the book, yawned, and went to bed. 他将书合上,打个呵欠,然后上床睡觉。 The canyon yawned beneath our feet. 峡谷在我们脚下张开大口。 The earth yawns in an earthquake. 地震使地裂开。 |