A prickle, spine, or sharp point, as on a plant or an animal. 刺;棘;针。 Any tree or shrub bearing thorns. 有刺的树;荆棘;蒺藜。 Hence, anything that annoys; worry. 苦恼的事物;棘手的事物。 The runic letter used in Old English and Icelandic for the sound /th/. 古北欧文字 (用于古英语及冰岛语,相当于/th/的音)。 a thorn in (sb's) side [flesh] 肉中刺;令人不断烦恼的原因。 the crown of thorn (a)耶稣被钉在十字架时,所载的荆棘之冠。(b)(一般指)苦难。 adj. thorny. n. thorniness. |