Act of one that works. 劳动;工作。 The manner of functioning or operating; operation. 运作方式。 An excavation or group of excavations made in mining, quarrying, or tunneling. 矿坑;采石场。 Sufficient to produce results. 足以产生作用的。 Needed or used for work or practical purposes. 工作用的;有实际用途的;实用的。 working capital 【商】营运资本。是流动资产(Current Assets) 减除流动负债 (Current Liabilities)。 working committee 经营效率提高委员会;专门调查委员会。 working hypothesis 运作假设(为求证理论时所定的假设)。 working papers 【美】未成年人的雇用许可书。 working party 经营效率提高委员会;专门调查委员会。 |