An edifice dedicated to the worship of a deity. 寺;庙。 A place in which the divine presence specially resides. 神殿;圣堂 Imposing building devoted to some special purpose, as temple of the arts. (特殊用途之)殿堂,如文艺之殿堂。 Masonic meeting place. 共济会会堂。 Either of two of the Inns of Court in London (Inner Temple and Middle Temple) occupied by law societies. 伦敦两所法学校院名称。 Any of three successive edifices built in Jerusalem for the worship of Jehovah. 古犹太祭神之三神殿之一(建于耶路撒冷,礼拜耶和华之处)。 the Temple of Heaven (北平的)天坛。 The flat part of the head at each side, between the eye and the ear. 太阳穴。 Side-piece of pair of spectacles. (眼镜的)两侧支架。 |