Proximity or companionship. 接近;偕同。 Association, connection, or intercourse. 接合;关联;交往。 Agreement or harmony. 一致;调和。 Possession, endowment, or combination. 所有;具有;连同。 Keeping, care, or guardianship. 保管;照顾;保护。 By means of; using. 使用;藉着。 Manner or circumstances. 态度;情状。 Estimation or opinion. 估计;意见。 Proportion, relation, or simultaneousness. 想称;关系;同时。 In spite of; notwithstanding. 虽然。 Separation or difference. 分开;不同。 Having; carrying; characterized by. 有…;带有…;有…特征。 In the same way or direction as at the same time as. 与…同向;与…同时。 with this [that] 因为这个[那个]因素。 what with...and (what with) …一则因…,另则因…。 |