A number of persons working or playing together, as to form a side in a game, to raise a sum of money, etc. 一队人;一组人。 Two or more horses or other beasts in one harness; also, the animals with their harness and the vehicle that they draw; often, a single animal in harness and the vehicle. 联畜;(一起驾车或拉牦的)一组牲口;连驾具及所挽车辆的骈兽(常指带有驾具及车辆的单只牲口)。 A group or brood of young, esp. of ducks. 一群;一窝(尤指一窝小鸭)。 To join together in a team. 组成一队。 To join together in some activity. 协力从事。 team work (a)众所为的工作。(b)协力合作。 |