One who dies for a faith, cause, or principle. 殉教者;烈士;殉道者。 One who sacrifices his life, station or what is of great value for a cause or principle. (主义或真理的)殉难者;牺牲者。 He died a martyr to science. 他为科学献出生命。 Constant sufferer, as from disease. 受折磨者(如受病痛折磨的人)。 make a martyr of oneself (a)自我牺牲。(b)做出甘愿牺牲的样子以获得赞扬。 To put to death for loyalty to some belief, esp. Christianity. (因坚持某种信仰而)成为烈士;殉难。 To persecute; torture. 迫害;折磨。 |